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Old 01-23-2017, 08:55 AM
sjd sjd is offline
Join Date: Sep 2007
Posts: 534

No-ones hunting is being taken away. Willmore is a park and hunting has been allowed for 30 years. Did hunting get banned because there are no ATVS? as is Cooking Lake Blackfoot, as are all the Wildland Parks that allow hunting.

Fishing is going to get better too, without all the trashed streams and less casual pressure.

This country is going to get a whole lot wilder. As an outdoorsman that is good news. The amount of places you can get away from the whine of an engine in this province is still tiny.

Hunters and ATV users are 2 very different groups - there is a bit of overlap obviously, but most OHV users don't represent my interests, or conservation, or the best interests of hunters.
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