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Old 01-20-2017, 09:40 AM
Bitumen Bullet Bitumen Bullet is offline
Join Date: May 2015
Posts: 418

Originally Posted by pwdrbrn View Post
I haven't brought this question to the forum with the intent of suggesting a division of our wonderful country. Farthest thing from my mind, actually. I'm merely asking if thirteen siblings could co-operate on mutually beneficial terms, managing their inheritance after the demise of their parents. I am looking at this from the standpoint of improving and strengthening our country by learning from our past, not dividing our country over squabbles and disagreements which have been magnified by the bumbling and corrupt behaviour so rampant in Ottawa. This is not an attempt to start a movement. Purely a question to generate discussion on the merits or lack thereof brought to the table by the machine of Parliament/Senate which consumes so much from 'the country' which in reality exists in its citizens, not in the federal government.
I'd say sorry but obviously like these discussions so I say thank you.

One of the flaws in the idea of 13 siblings is that no one in the Canadian Confederation thinks like that. Ontario and Quebec see themselves as parents and all others children (colonies or regions) that should be working the land making the parents ever richer.

The demise of the Parents or Federal government is the demise of Ontario and Quebec, who really are Canada.

That said your question gets people thinking, talking, and that's a good thing. There is support for making Canada better, better for Alberta, better for all but not in Ottawa who want as little change as possible. In that case those siblings should start looking out for themselves. There comes a time when the fruit ripens, the children leave home, the baby bird must fly.......
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