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Old 12-19-2016, 09:33 AM
Etownguy Etownguy is offline
Join Date: Mar 2012
Posts: 206

Originally Posted by silverdoctor View Post
Next crook might be MMA? Who do you think you're defending against?
That's the point. You DON'T know who you are defending against, and many martial arts teach a wildly unrealistic version of self defense and create a sense of false confidence. When push comes to shove, that line of thinking will end badly for that person.

Imagine someone is going through your truck in the middle of the night. The 'up' side of fighting them is that you keep your stuff (maybe). What's the downside? The downside is that you lose the fight....which might mean that you still end up chasing them off, or it might end up with you alone in the dark fighting >1 person. Even the best fighter has poor odds against >1 person. Laying in the gravel at 3am with people laying the boots to you is a big price to pay for the chance of retaining your property that is likely covered by insurance anyway.

Real scraps don't play out like in the movies where the hero easily wins with not a scratch on them. In real life even the winner is likely to get injured as well. A concussion or other injury will put you out of work and cost you more in the long run than the stuff was worth.

I've spent most of my adulthood doing martial arts, and I know I have some strong opinions that go against the grain of other martial artists. My philosophy is to learn realistic techniques that are regularly practiced against resisting sparring partners. Many 'arts' have been so watered down that they are effectively 'fight choreography' rather than actually teaching people to fight.
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