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Old 04-25-2017, 05:52 PM
barsik barsik is offline
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Originally Posted by covey ridge View Post
Very curious as to how you see humanity imposing these restrictions? What will happen to give humanity power to do this imposing on anyone? Or are you saying that humanity will evolve to the state of actually loving your neighbor as yourself instead of coveting what your neighbor has? If humanity ever arrives at that state imposing will not be needed.

what I am thinking of is more like what transpired in France, when the populace was starving and overthrew the monarchy. this isn't rocket science, politicians are masters of deception, and recent scientific research have concluded that the overwhelming majority of people who aspire to political office are sociopaths. people which have an inherent manipulative mindset should not be crafting social structure, because they can and will create an advantage for themselves at the very least, or create a serious conflict with another country at worst. they have been with us since we lived in trees, and humanity has advanced not because of their presence and manipulation, but in spite of it. I'm not saying we will hold hands and sing kumbaya, but if the entire planet could ban these personality types from positions of authority, we would all be better off. on a personal level, it's like the guy on the crew who has no skill or work ethic, and manipulates others to do his job, taking credit for others skill while bragging to the boss how he is holding the company from going into bankruptcy. the very best of this personality type are what is running for public office. at the highest level, it gets dirty and vicious between competing sociopaths, where treachery, blackmail, and in extreme cases, murder is possible.
I can't see the day that they will be excluded from public office, because the overwhelming majority of the population is oblivious to their manipulations.
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