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Old 01-04-2021, 09:38 PM
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thumper thumper is offline
Join Date: May 2007
Location: Canmore
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I use 1 dozen, clear, small sized, zip-lock bags, clearly marked with a sharpie, stacked on end, in a drawer (like files in a file drawer) - for different materials like dubbing, rabbit strips, marabou, loose hackle feathers, deer/elk hide, rubber legs and 'stuff'. Most of those ziplocks contain small items that are in smaller plastic bags, to keep them from being mixed up (like 5 or 6 different colours of marabou kept in small separate bags, Black / White / Pink / Chart / UV Grizz / UV Olive / Whatever, - inside the one zip-lock marked MARABOU) Larger feathers like capes, pheasant, ostrich cut to fit in larger, labeled zip-locks. Then hooks in a plastic craft boxes with flip-up lids(like a weekly pill container). Beads in 2 smaller ones - carefully labeled to size and type (tungsten/lead/copper). Threads, tinsel and wire on spools - on a wall-mounted sewing thread spool holder on dowel pegs. An assortment of threads that I use often are already on bobbin holders, and I've drilled holes in thick, round, cork hot-plates from Ikea, to stand these up in, along with scissors, threaders, whip-finisher and other tools. And a used, plastic, sour cream tub for crazy glue, lacquer, bulky odds & ends. Lastly, a handy pad & pencil for recording what I'm getting low on and need to purchase! After a couple of decades of tying, it's still not perfect, but it sure minimizes the amount of time spent digging for stuff! For me the tough part is saying 'no' to good-meaning friends & relatives that want to give you stuff (like shed fur from their favourite cat), or throwing out stuff that you've never used and are very unlikely to use in the foreseeable future. Also, resisting the urge to buy the exact material that you see celebrity fly tiers using on YouTube or TV ! It's fun using natural materials that you've collected yourself - I've got shed buffalo and Mountain goat under-fur that I've collected from brush in the mountains and on the prairies that I enjoy using.
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