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Old 02-24-2016, 08:41 AM
L.O.S.T.Arrow's Avatar
L.O.S.T.Arrow L.O.S.T.Arrow is offline
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Originally Posted by calgarychef View Post
Hoyt can you explain your experience with calling, I've only called in a couple . I'm wondering about your mention of movement patterns, can you explain that too.?
Speaking of calling the first time I tried it almost ended up in a head on collision...was elk hunting in the early 80's ...then state of the art cow elk call was a samwhiche call with latex rubber band, was walking along a cutline and saw a bear going up a steep hill 200-300 yards away...

So for chit N giggles I grabbed the cow call and imitated the bunny blues best I could, just seconds into the call the bear spun and came down the hill at "mock chicken"...

I heard some say bears cant run downhill...well I am her to tell you thats bull was full out and gaining top speed of bear

In seconds it was within feet of me, as I drew it was already close enough to reach out and touch...I had a buddy with a longbow ten yards behind me, the bear ran past me and between us, he was suatting down and not ready...but the bear veared off into the bush just feet from him...

Heart pumping I looked at my buddy and his face was white...

over the years we called quite a bit in the foothills, with success and harvested several bears..they always came in on the run...however...

**Caution**...we quit calling bears because the cougar population was high and we called several in, two on one call...and let me tell you they were aggressive and thowing sticks and yelling at them wouldnt turn them from coming...we decided that calling was a health hazard...

While calling we have called in just about every predator in Alberta...wolves, cougar, bear, coyote, foxes..and saw a grizzly once checking us out about a Km away...we didnt stay to see if it got closer

Use calls with caution!!

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