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Old 12-02-2019, 01:02 PM
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ESOXangler ESOXangler is offline
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Originally Posted by huntsolo1 View Post
For the folks saying its a "scare tactic" from the union...maybe you're unsure of how unions work. It's not the union laying people off...that is the exact opposite of what unions fight for. It is the executives laying people off, and they are mostly all "union exempt", which means they work for the province (in AHS's case) directly. The union wants to keep positions, not lay them off!

And yes, after Kenny announces his "amazing" budget, then public sector organizations/departments figure out what they need to cut to stay in operation. In this case, they need to get rid of 100's of nurses. I know a lot of nurses, and they are all, every one of them, over worked. Ratios of 12 or more patients to 1 take away a few hundred more of them and the ratios grow. Just a matter of time until people start receiving a lesser standard of care due to this. And you watch, it will be the same guys saying how "nursing is easy" and "it's not the nurses, it's the doctors doing the real work" that will be complaining how some loved one died or they didn't get proper care that will be back complaining here again. Best part is, they most likely won't make the connection that without those hundreds of nurses the standard of care suffered.

Health care is important, education is important, emergency services are important...right now they are all running as lean as possible, cut them more and we will suffer...wait and see.

The complaints will roll in..."it took 25 minutes for the cops to arrive", "the fire department only showed up with one truck and I lost my house", "my loved ones I.V hasn't been changed"...And people will blame the cops, the fire fighters, and the nurses, instead of the laying the blame on the ones who made the cuts. Typical...
Well said.

Most of the ones doing the talking havent needed the help yet! When they do they'll appreciate it. Or like you said they'll play the blame game. Either way they're guaranteed crappy service if their beloved cuts go thru...