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Old 04-16-2013, 06:24 PM
grinr grinr is offline
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Originally Posted by MK2750 View Post

I may be out to lunch, but when I am trying to reach out and touch something I back cast as much line as the rod can handle with a sharp pull with my free (left) hand. Also in my left hand is a loose coil of extra line that I let feed off my hand after the air borne line is maxed out. Less line in the air means more control, less chance of hitting something behind me, less chance of over powering the rod, more line speed and IMO maximum distance.

I have been wrong before, so it certainly won't be something new.
Ummmm...yes,it's called single and/or double hauling.
sorry,not trying to be a smartazz,I'm sure you knew that.
I'm doing the same thing as you,false casting what the rod(or what I?) can handle,and shooting as many coils as I can manage.But for arguments sake,let's say I can manage 5 shooting coils totaling 30 feet?What I'm saying is that instead of double hauling/false casting 40' of line (250gr?)and shooting 30 more,by dropping one line weight I'm carrying 50' (same 250gr)in the air and shooting the same 30' for a gain of 10',which can mean the difference between my fly reaching that seam where a salmon is lying,or coming up ten feet short?
Just making these numbers up somewhat,but you get the idea.Point being,if you have a max amount of coils that you can comfortably shoot without getting tangled up and all that....say 5-6 coils(?),then you can gain distance on the amount of line that you false cast while keeping that airborne line weight the same simply by dropping one line weight.
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