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Old 03-04-2012, 10:50 AM
jeprli jeprli is offline
Join Date: Nov 2008
Posts: 821

Just trying to say that fighting this may and will destroy already fragile native populations. If government cared at all they would not allow import of these prolific species, negative effects on native fish have been known for a long time.

These fish mature fast and have proved to be very succesful in their reproduction and overpopulating their teritory. These carp can use milt from almost any fish(within carp family) to fertilize their eggs.

Common carp for instance or grass carp are much easier to control and look what happened all across the continent, prussian is a much stronger and resilient compared to its bigger family members.

If authorities want to know about locations of these fish they can contact me, i will be happy to help. Although im certain they know more than they want to admit.
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