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Old 07-10-2018, 12:34 AM
Bigrib Bigrib is offline
Join Date: Mar 2008
Posts: 301

It's that time of year again , today i was pruning a weeping birch tree and got a hornet sting on the hand then a few seconds later i see one coming for my face , stung me a bit below the eye and was gone quicker than you can imagine . So i quickly go into the house heat up half a cup of water in the microwave and dip a facecloth in the hot water and hold it against the sting area to neutralize the venom , hot as you can stand keep dipping it for 15 mins , it seemed to have reduced the swelling on my face somewhat , I didn't do my hand as much with the hot water and it is swollen and stiff . Just lucky it didn't get my eyeball , it was really quick , no landing on you , it must have stung me and bounced off in a milli-second .

I killed them all this evening in the dark with hornet spray .
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