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Old 02-21-2021, 02:08 PM
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tinkering tinkering is offline
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Originally Posted by qwert View Post

Hegelian dialectic: a thesis, giving rise to its reaction, and antithesis, = problem, reaction, solution.
Rahm Emanual, said "never let a crisis go to waste".
Form an objective, then create a crisis that facilitates it.
Democracy's problem is that it fails to recognize the existential threat from those who would control and eliminate it.

Henry VIII banned golf because it used land needed for archery training.

IMHO, until the general population recognizes that a properly trained and armed citizenry is the best defense against tyranny, and Democide,
there will be no public will to support and facilitate that citizenry's training or armament.
What is happening today is that the agents of tyranny are using false propaganda to cultivate the general population's fear of its self,
and distracting us from the real existential threat.

Good Luck and God save us all.
I know this is an old thread but I'd like to say that I am starting to feel that you are right in most if not all of your accessment. Someone said the government is protecting crown land from us, well who's going to protect us from the crown? Too many people each with their own support (or disregard) of different laws; there's no place left ti have a relaxing pee.
When you reach a certain age you don’t have 30 or 40 years to become a legend in your own mind. You gotta do it right as soon as possible... with a little help from your friends.
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