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Old 08-26-2019, 10:08 AM
Snm Snm is offline
Join Date: Nov 2012
Location: Southern Alberta
Posts: 309

I use a sport dog waterfowl edition collar. nothing fancy and has 7 settings with around 2000 feet range. last a long time, probably a whole weekend of hunting and still more. My wpg is pretty sensitive so the lowest setting always works unless birds are around then i have to turn it up a bit. I contemplated getting a better quality e collar but after this season ill see if i am still interested. I dont have the issues of him running off and not coming back so i don't see the benefit. WPG's are usually close working dogs.

If you are having troubles with your pup coming to you when recalled you could change the command used in case there is a negative association with your current command. My pup had been sent for starting training and the trainer changed the recall command and with 3 months training on it seems to have helped. Though at his 5 month mark he was still all about exploring and seeing what everything was and smelling them.
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