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Old 05-23-2020, 05:29 PM
270person 270person is offline
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Originally Posted by wwbirds View Post
I have never experienced a pandemic before but regardless if all the governments did nothing there would be people complaining the government. didnt do enough. I have no use for the Liberals in charge but they did do something and yes that shut down the economy and incurred billions in debt yet others want to test the herd immunity theory and let the chips fall where they may. Cant support that either as too many elderly and immune compromised would die. I cant believe in a civilized society we would just take the at risk people out on the ice flow for the betterment of the herd. We just dont do that anymore. financial implications of going in debt billions to support citizens with bailouts will be expensive and take years to recover but are no worse than the last pandemic of spanish flu over 4 years which killed millions and probably caused the great depression. Kind of a pay me now or pay for it later. Debt is a relative term for I believe this will cause incredible debt to most developed countries and extraordinary deaths to poor countries either directly through catching covid or the depression to follow. Some people in Canada are two months or 2 weeks away from a foreclosure but get cerb benefits yet in some countries they have no food shelter or benefits from the governnent at all. Be careful what we complain about it can always get worse.

Excellent post. Lots of members here willing to sacrifice the elderly. Mustn't have parents in care homes I guess.

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