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Old 04-12-2010, 09:13 AM
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Originally Posted by Doodle30 View Post

I agree it does seem that both groups are united against crossbow but they are doing so because there is strenght in numbers. Not really a strong argument when you see political parties work together if they feel it they can really to stick it to another party. That doesn't make them a closenit family. If the true reason that both are against crossbow is the fundamental dislike of the tool than I can respect that and in some ways agree with you. I am not saying they are the same weapon I am saying they are similar. But if I recall correctly Pottymounth has said himself that Compound hunters had to fight hard to get recognized by the traditional archers. Considering the difference in the two weapons I can also understand that.
My dislike of the debate here is that to many guys could care less about the crossbow other than the fact that it means lost exclusive opportunity for bowhunters. If you make the argument that you don't want crossbows used during the entire archery season fine, but lets face it, crossbows require you to be close, so they deserve a season before the rush of rifles hunters come into the woods and animals become more aware that the hunt is on.

I hate that I even got uinvolved in this as it's to time consuming to keep up and I see no resolution, at least on this site.

Again I will state that I am a Compound hunter and a member of the ABA and will not be buying a crossbow. I just think that restricting opportunities for others is not right.

Read more carefully, I never said that!!!! I said BOWHUNTERS worked hard to have what they now have, with respect to our seasons, bow only zones and increased oppoturnities.

Increased oppoturnities can along with the new archer season way back when. Everyone had a equal chance of taking advantage of it, and still do!!!
If gimmicks are required to increase levels of hunter participation, then the sport is already lost!!!!

Plus does anyone ever read other peoples posts? The chinease had developed a repeating xbow, that shot 10 arrows consecative( 1000 yrs ago).....that will start to turn up and then you'll be fighting that battle soon enough, and then what!!!! or blow darts, or netting.Then you really open the door and debate to give oppoturnity, without predjudice against any one group or weapon....

I hope if this passes the first to feel the negative impacts of the Xbow, are the Bowhunters who ARE fighting for xbows, but '' say '' they wont use them.

Where I come from nobody fights for something, without having a personal benefit attached in there!!!
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