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Old 02-07-2018, 08:32 AM
Sporty Sporty is offline
Join Date: May 2007
Location: Just North of the 55th Parallel
Posts: 1,485

Canada is a great country! Sure, it's changing, the world is changing and of course, people aren't going to like that change. Much like how each generation before us didn't like the way change was going. I'm sure our parents and grandparents were shocked and appalled with how the world was changing back in their day. "Women voting? What is this world coming to???"

What would be the ideal scenario an independent Alberta? What would be the benefits to a tiny, landlocked country on it's own? Wouldn't it still move forward and change to keep up with the rest of the world or would it remain a teeny country stuck in the middle ages like those which are constantly bashed on here?
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