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Old 02-22-2018, 11:57 AM
Don_Parsons Don_Parsons is offline
Join Date: Jul 2016
Posts: 1,827

They had a archery shoot at Red Deer Centemum years ago.
Competitors from all across Western Canada.

One of the fellows had an aluminum arrow explode on release as it took out his bow holding hand.

It was bad, real bad.

Apparently the aluminum arrows where tracked back to a bow and sporting goods store that had caught on fire the year before.

Another shop picked this arrow shafts up on sale since there was no fiscal damage that could be seen on them,,, but after the law suit it was determined that the arrows substand damage in the fire.

I'm not sure of all the details to this incident, but I'm sure there are those on this forum that remember what happened that day.

The sad part of it was / is, that this archer person got seriously hurt.

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