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Old 06-25-2010, 09:11 AM
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FallAirFever FallAirFever is offline
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Originally Posted by Thickhorn View Post
Unregulated killing of game is just that. It doesn't matter if it's called poaching or subsistence hunting or anything else, in the end it's not fair to the environment, the animals, or the people - this generation or the one's to come. If somebody's half-ancestors got screwed over in the past, well that's horrible but there will never be a reason good enough to warrant limitless killing of our natural resources. It's BS. If, because your half-ancestors used to hunt (so did mine, by the way, just on a different continent) you feel you deserve to hunt and kill more game than I do, giver, but lets be realistic about it and have limits, licenses, and tags to make sure we're not shooting our kids in the foot.
Very well said!
I am sure it wont take long for this thread to get derailed... but

I have a very hard time understanding why the Metis hunt can not be regulated ie: number of tags and some season restrictions and still allow enough hunting for subsistence.

Ideally we could all be treated equally and abide by the same rules but that is probably wishfull thinking.
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