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Old 07-13-2018, 08:49 AM
pikeslayer22 pikeslayer22 is offline
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Originally Posted by C-Lublinkhof View Post
Todd Bunnage
Thank you for tagging me as if to say I didn’t know? I have refrained from commenting on this when it was first posted as I watched lots of people say what a piece of **** I am and even made lots of guesses as to the real issue. As I have not seen any hunting addicts in Court you are all are arm chair quarter backs.
What this boils down to is that I purchased archery tags for my archery hunters. I have extensions to other hunters into different WMUs all of my hunters purchased their licenses from Caroline supplies and went hunting into the WMUs they were assigned too. I have done this for 17 years. I have been pulled over and checked by FW numerous times never once have they raised a question about my hunters licenses.
I lodged a formal complaint about an officer 6 years ago and my life has since been under attack.
With this case I purchased my licenses and hunted my hunters without any problems. Two years after my hunters went home I was charged with using invalid licenses. They said my archery licenses could not carry over into the open season. No where on the licenses or the regulations does it say that. The licenses have ARCHERY ONLY on them NO DATES No mention of season.
My hunters always used archery equipment and the government sold my hunters their licenses after they said the season was closed. The government took there money sent them out the door and even FW checked us in the field and never raised a question. So this was not a poaching without a license story. The government sold every hunter a license.
I know I am going to hear all you critics say what a piece of **** I am and that’s fine.
All you Guides and outfitters who use archery bear tags in the rifle season good luck now because the government testified there is NO exception AT ALL. The archery tags of every species expire at the end of the archery season no matter what. I guess FW needs more revenue and your all next.
You residents that can hunt in any WMU with bow and then rifle it’s great you will be able to continue.
The Nonresident licenses are different. I was found guilty of 3 hunters and my company was found equally guilty. Even though the government sold my hunters the tags after they say the season was closed.
The truth of the trial was Rugged was charged with me they charged double sections for each. Sec 24 and 25 for me and my company each that’s how it works I was not convicted of 8 separate hunter violations it was three hunters with two sections for the same incident.
This does not reflect anything negative about APOS they had nothing to do with this. It does not have anything to do with lack of discipline by APOS.
This was 100% on me. I firmly believed if the government sells a tag it’s valid.
So go a head and call me all the names you want tell me what a piece of **** I am and what all outfitters are but reality is if FW has you in there sights they will find something to charge you with. I noticed there was No mention in the article I was acquitted of 25 charges? Why..... were any you of you there?
I will go pop some popcorn and watch all your disdain and hatred.
This is not over and if I was an outfitter I would be very careful buying anything from our government. All you guys running archery bear hunters in the rifle season your next. Government testified your running illegal hunts. Good luck.

This was his post on Alberta Hunting Addicts. Doesn't seem to understand it still. I thought the general tag only being valid for Bow season was pretty clear in the Regs.
The guy is either amazingly dumb or is a flat out liar. It is very clear in the regs. Just like the youth mule deer...every year guys have their kids out rifle shooting in November in draw only zones.
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