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Old 08-25-2012, 10:24 AM
powder burner powder burner is offline
Join Date: Apr 2010
Posts: 31

Any person in law enforcement who puts on a uniform knows there are inherent risks involved.

If someone wants to do harm to an officer they are going to try. Verbal direction goes only so far and there are use of force models which address options the officer has.

It is better to have the proper tools and to never use them, than to need a tool and never have it.

I would like to think the average citizen is law abiding and some may not know the local rules. Municipalities have different rules it seems, depending on which town you live in.

I think that many people are educated before receiving fines. At the same time a person shouldn't have to be told 4 times the same thing before receiving fines.

The best tool any officer has is their training, spidey senses and wits.
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