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Old 12-22-2010, 09:39 PM
Deer Hunter Deer Hunter is offline
Join Date: Jun 2007
Posts: 4,158

Coyotes are incredible animals in which I have alot of respect for.

I dont shoot the early season pups because I dont like the idea of them not having a sporting chance. By December, they are smart enough that they can look out for themselves.

I agree that coyote hunting is alot of fun. It's no different than any other type of hunting in that regard.

Animals dont live forever. Nor do we expect them to have a 70 year life span. Coyotes will all die at some point in time. Whether at the end of my barrel or at the hand of mange or starvation. I cant imagine death is alot of fun especially when all your fur has fallen off at minus 30.

I dont personally skin and sell the furs but I try not to let the animals go to waste. Some have, but most dont.

If your correct that the more you shoot, the more there is, then you should believe your own evidence and be a proponent of shooting coyotes as a means of population growth. My side to your evidence is that we will never rid the world of the coyote ( nor would we want to) and we should use this resource as we do other game animals.

Its obvious that you have alot of respect for these animals, more so than you do for your fellow sportsman.

Just my opinion.