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Old 12-19-2020, 11:03 AM
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58thecat 58thecat is offline
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Location: At the end of the Thirsty Beaver Trail, Pinsky lake, Alberta.
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Originally Posted by HVA7mm View Post
Everyone is "wronged" or "triggered" these days. Road rage, air rage, people yelling at random strangers in stores, getting upset at the way somebody parks, mask/no mask etc. etc.

Obviously we have been living in pretty prosperous times when people are constantly freaking out over the most mundane things. Social media platforms definitely amplify things, and greatly increase the presence of victim mentality. Throw in cell phone cameras and soapboxes pop up everywhere. Master manipulators abound.
agree its like there is no immediate consequences and when there are its like the world has come to an end ohhhh whoooa is me....sad...truly sad but this fella will get his say in court.

true story we were young soldiers out on leave in B.C. got all drunked up and ended down by a marina so we decided to go for a swim by the boat launch...RCMP officer shows up...female...starts barking orders and we are getting dressed etc but the one wanker wanted her to come in the water and arrest him...well lets just say that she was yelling at him and one of our buddies went in and nicely removed him ever so easily tenderizing him a bit...she told us to walk back to the hotel and enough is enough...yes ma' instead of having the phones out one of his buddies should have skated out and grabbed him by the scruff...smarten him up a bit...that's what buddies do....

Be careful when you follow the masses, sometimes the "M" is silent...