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Old 11-29-2020, 06:40 PM
hunterngather hunterngather is offline
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Posts: 254

Originally Posted by Lefty-Canuck View Post
Not defending this by any stretch but I saw this today about the situation,

“Ok folks just quit it with this rant and listen up😡

I live work and shop where this happened.
It is NOT cool that this happened.
It is not the whole story though and only a snippet of the truth was blasted by someone to rock the “Covid” boat then deleted they’re account.

The incident in question happened because of a whole bunch of flaws.

First off the Walmart greeter is a special needs person who the Walmart managers put in charge of handing out masks. Their policy is no mask no entrance. He either decided or was told by management to stop anyone from entering that didn’t have a mask. Where we live it hasn’t been enforced heavily and people up until a few days ago were allowed in most stores to shop without a mask on by choice. Some do and some don’t.
The man and his girlfriend entered the store which DOES NOT have any security guards like all the other cities do and proceeded to walk towards the kiosk where our Walmart gives you a free disposable mask to wear while you shop. The greeter proceeded to stop the girl from entering any further into the store even though she was heading for the masks, was loud, forceful and rude and when she verbally stood up for herself he put his hand on her to physically stop her from going in any further, to which her boyfriend lost his **** and pummelled him for physically touching his girlfriend in a dispute.
Now this is where we all have an opinion and can point blame.
Walmart should never have placed that kind of responsibility on ANY person knowing the gravity of people’s uprising anger to this Covid situation.
Walmart should have paid for a security guard to enforce there policy at the door.
Did the man have the right to physically assault the greeter?
**** NO!!!
He went way too far.
Did the greeter have the right to physically touch the woman?
**** NO AGAIN!!
So the blame lies in all directions people not just the short click bait video the rest of the world got to see.
You’ve been played by people adding fuel to the fire and dividing us again.
As for no one jumping in to help the greeter. I’m 6’2 250lbs and a force to be recon’d with and I wouldn’t mess with this guy.
So the smaller people you see standing around were probably scared and if you look closely he hits him then he yells at him. He’s telling him not to touch her again and keep his hands to himself.
So take a big look again at the WHOLE story and wait to hear what the courts decide because there are assault charges pending on both sides and Walmart is also being held accountable for their neglect.

Question everything people otherwise you are just sheep going to the slaughter.”

Guy is a bloody thug.

How many other people has he beat senseless is my question.

He needs a timeout away from society.
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