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Old 06-21-2012, 01:29 AM
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pottymouth pottymouth is offline
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Half those stats aren't completed by everyone ! A good chunk of the stats completed do not accurately depict the time invested in each hunt! And I don't recall if they actually ask you what weapon you used to harvest your kill!

Now should we assume, that they look at the date of arrest, and draw a conclusion on the weapon used, by the select few that complete their questionnaire ! Do we have a number of questionnaires submitted to Srd from last year? Out of 100,000 ++ hunters, how many?

Does this mean that from now on , we should save our wmu's we hunt in and fudge the numbers?

If Srd could provide irrefutable information, other than whats been put forward here, I would gladly change my mind, and jump on board to save our mule deer!

This is only looking like bowhunters vs riflemen, because so far only one group
is losing something, while the other sits pretty! As united hunters , either we fall or gain, it should be together!
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