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Old 01-16-2017, 10:44 AM
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catnthehat catnthehat is offline
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Originally Posted by Jeron Kahyar View Post
Care to elaborate on this one? How is uncocking make it safer?

Just curios as the the reasoning behind it. If I'm overlooking something perhaps it is time I change my storage habits.
I said " safety procedure" notbthat it makes the gun safer.
That is, if the firearm is not being shot it is open or at the very least uncocked .
Most bolt actions can visibly be seen as cocked or uncocked as can hammer guns
If the firearm is cocjed it normally has a round in it.
This is the reason many disciplines require open actions when not actually being shot , some require chamber flags, etc.
Anytime I figure I've got this long range thing figured out, I just strap into the sling and irons and remind myself that I don't!
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