Thread: pack llamas
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Old 07-07-2020, 10:39 AM
leeelmer leeelmer is offline
Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: Rocky Mnt House
Posts: 936

I second everything Alpinguy has said.
Just like horses, there are good and bad. Usually cheep means bad.
Cheep pack horses, are usually terrible. Cheep gear usually will screw you over when it is needed the most.
I have spent countless hours on my horses, and everyone of them has there own quirks, and problems, and they can frustrate you beyond words.
I have one pack/saddle horse, that can drive you around the bend sometimes, 100 yards from sheep camp, after a 6 hour ride, he would not cross the last tiny little stream. I really wanted to shoot him that day.
Took 45min for him to finally want to cross the creek.
Llamas, don't carry much, but are sure footed, they don't do well in soft ground.
One would be well served with a pack donkey, and walk infront of them, they carry more weight than a horse, are more surefooted, and don't need shoes, rairly need to be hobbled, and live long. But sure do need to be trained well.
I have two, and they are fantastic creatures, come by name and can out pack my draft cross horses.
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