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Old 06-17-2018, 07:55 AM
s.fontinalis21 s.fontinalis21 is offline
Join Date: Feb 2018
Posts: 4
Default Winter Kill

Was up there yesterday for the first time ever. Took the raft and fish finder out on the lower lake and then hiked up to the upper lake as well. Sorry to confirm but the lower lake is I am guessing 100% killed out. As I was out on the raft with my polarized glasses I could see the lower lakes floor riddled with dead trout. At least 100+, most around 12-14" with a few monsters looking to be closer to 20" if not over. The lake is only 15ft deep at the deepest so im not surprised. Fish finder gave a bunch of false positives from the logs and etc but no signs of life what so ever, even during a huge PMD hatch no risers. Upper lake looked just as dead from the shore but will come back later with the raft and fish finder to see if the depth is deep enough to hold em through winter. They seem to stock both lakes every year either early june or late june so I can't wait till they get the triploids back in there. Its a sad sight to see a winter kill a good fishery, especially since they just put cutties in both lakes. Really would have rounded the lakes out with 'bows and cutties. P.S. no letherman found in the parking area sorry.
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