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Old 11-14-2018, 06:11 AM
Supergrit Supergrit is offline
Join Date: Sep 2011
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My belief is ww1 was europeon arguenent that get settled by war they done it for generations. France vs Britain, Spain vs Britain etc these wars would start over territory then there would be a looser and they would give up part of their empire. In WW 1 this is how it started a europeon agrguemnt which Canada had to join in cause we were part of British empire. The problem with WW 1 is this argument was fought with weapons that were not seen before and the scale of death and destruction was off the charts. After the war countries realized how destructive modern war is and is not a way to solve disputes.
The fear of war and the way grmany felt and was treated after being the looser of the First World War spawned the Nazis party led by Hiler. The Nazis party in ww2 was an evil that had to be stopped. They had advanced technology and finatical soldiers. If Germany defeated the soveit union eventually they would have attacked Canada directly and the world today would be very different place.