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Old 11-27-2017, 08:50 PM
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Wisebuck Wisebuck is offline
Join Date: Aug 2011
Location: North east AB
Posts: 396

Originally Posted by bowhunter9841 View Post
I heard this sound three weeks ago. It was a single roar. I was trying to entice a bull to come over to my side of the fence with a few cow calls. And after 5 minutes or so, I heard the bark/roar. I stood, for the better part of an hour, staring at the bull from 200 yards away. Finally, I tried to move to get closer and more aggressive to see if he would come investigate. However, as I was moving closer, I saw a cow that was out of my line of vision before that. She is definitely the reason he didn't come looking. He had seemed interested in my calling before I heard the barking sound. But after I heard it, he pretty much just stood in one spot for 45 minutes. Almost dead still, with the occasional look over his shoulder. This was my best opportunity at a bull that week. Too bad he was 20 yards across the fence on the next property, where I have no permission! He knew I couldn't shoot him!! Just stood broadside for an hour with his tongue out, blowing raspberries at me!!
You heard him roar a “ stay away this is my territory “ roar. That’s why he didn’t come over the fence. He thought you were infringeing on his domain. That happened to me couple years ago. It made hair stand up on back of my neck. Thought at first I had ****ed of a bear. Freaked me out. Lol. Supple calling woulda been better. Oh well. At 50 I guess I still get to learn stuff from these animals. Good luck all this what’s left of season.
Huntin and fishin fool!
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