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Old 06-22-2017, 05:08 AM
scalerman scalerman is online now
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Posts: 149

Originally Posted by silverdoctor View Post
Before Sundance swings in and starts posting charts of growing ice pack in the Arctic and Antarctica, lets have a little discussion about it. When you think about growing ice packs, you actually need to think in reverse. We all know (hopefully) that fresh water freezes at around 0 degrees Celcius - or 32 Fahrenheit. Salt water takes a little more time, but the difference is only 2 degrees.

What happens when you add fresh water to salt water? You change the salinity. So, we need to ask ourselves - why is the pack ice growing during global warming? Science knows the salinity of the ocean surrounding Antarctica is changing.

2 degrees doesn't sound like much in the grand scheme of things. But lets look at the human body, 98.6 F is our sustained temperature, we need that to function. Add 2 degrees to your core temp permanantly, you won't function. Take 2 degrees away permanently, you won't function.

So yeah, sorry, growing pack ice is not an indication that global warming doesn't exist.

So let me get this straight. Increased temperatures accelerate the melting of ice thus causing more fresh water to enter the oceans thus lowering the salinity and causing the sea ice to form at a lower temperature. If I understand your post correctly this is your assertion, correct? Doesn't increased temperature also increase evaporation? Increased evaporation of water from the oceans would then increase the salinity, if we were to follow your logic about decreased salinity. The salt that is in the ocean isn't just magically there it is leached out from the soils so increased run off would actually increase the salinity of the ocean. So I am going to say that increased ice pack means that more water froze than last year and that there is more ice than last year. Trying to use anecdotal evidence to try to prove that "global warming" is a menace is disingenuous at best. Climate change has always been and will always be a part of life on earth. If you actually believe in evolution you should be excited about it as the way is being paved for new species and the ones that can't compete are being deselected by nature. I am so sick and tired of hearing that the sky is falling and that people are the bad guys. Could we do a better job of looking after the resources on this planet? Of course. Have we made huge strides forward in cleaning things up? Yes. Can more be done? Absolutely. Stop with the climate change nonsense. Please.
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