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Old 07-13-2018, 09:25 AM
TargetRick TargetRick is offline
Join Date: Feb 2016
Posts: 134
Default Suppressors - needed or not?

While suppressors and sound reducers are in general very good, I was thinking on it the other day and considered a different factor:

- on Crown Land type of open areas where I might be walking or ATVing around, maybe suppressors are not so useful.
- if someone is shooting, I certainly WOULD want to hear the bang, from a distance of course.

That way, I can get the heck out of the way before the shots come flying my way. Having once been accidentally shot at, I can testify this is a useful thing, and really makes one move quickly.

If suppressors were on, I'd never hear it. I'd just feel the bad news of the bullet. And oh the zing of that bullet can bring some bad, bad news.

- Yes to suppressors and sound reducers on the ranges, where all the benefits can be known and useful.
- But No to suppressors on public lands.

That's my thinking - what's yours?

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