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Old 11-01-2020, 08:05 AM
Don Andersen Don Andersen is offline
Join Date: Dec 2007
Location: Central Alberta
Posts: 1,796

Originally Posted by pipco View Post

My memory isn't great but I recall when the ACA was concerned about liability issues around aerators a few years back and a number of decent stocked lakes lost trout to winterkill.

A lawyer ( bless his heart, they're not all bad) from the Edmonton Trout club said he would step up and take responsibility of any liability issues
regarding Spring Lake.

From what I recall he was convinced that a 100 year old law would not be enforceable ( probably not the correct "legal" term cuz I'm not a lawyer ) if there was proper signage to warn people and it would be thrown out of court

PThane to him and an agreement with ACA on this particular lake, the aeration took place as usual and there are still a couple good sized trout left in the lake.

(It's not the same lake it was three or four years ago due to much more pressure and poaching but still a reasonable lake for a put and take.

Never having fished Police Outpost I can't speak for it's merits but it does sadden me when another QF is shut down for what I'll call political reasons.

During the last aeration kerfuffle, the ACA, Alberta Parks and Fish and wildlife were able to aearate all the lakes in NW Alberta. Took cooperation.

The same bunch in Central and southern Alberta failed to cooperate and the fish died. You and I suffered because they can’t work together.

Same situation happening at Police. Parks has equipment bought for areation and will not use it cause they have to pay for power. ACA was likely involved due to Parks cheapness.
Like the last time, fish will die,

“Ever wanta take a bunch behind the barn and spank them?”


Last edited by Don Andersen; 11-01-2020 at 08:10 AM.
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