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Old 11-22-2013, 12:46 PM
silverdoctor silverdoctor is offline
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Originally Posted by Gust View Post
Can you provide a link to your last statement.

And, so you agree with whatserface in Quebec and her charter of values that we can't exact our faith freely? So what if you see someone wearing a burqa? I saw a really fat guy wearing a pink tank top and army fatigues while fishing at Badger Lake, though, pretty repulsive, not exactly something I'd fear.

We know what Sharia is and who practices it,, I'm asking you for examples where it has affected Canadian Law?
Gust, get on google and look it up, i'm not going to do the footwork for you.

You mention book of job, "we can't exact our faith freely". I personally don't care about your faith or others faith's - I'm athiest - and I believe in separation of church and state. It's never going to happen mind you.
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