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Old 10-06-2020, 01:35 PM
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SageValleyOutdoors SageValleyOutdoors is offline
Join Date: Sep 2015
Posts: 469

Had the best hunt ever on Saturday...
It’s been a good season so far. My older boy got his first elk on sept 1 and i got my archery antelope a couple weeks later. A couple friends have their bull moose draw tag in our zone, so with the rut heating up, we were out looking for moose - or a mule buck for my 13 year old son, Matty.
first thing in the morning, we checked one coulee that we’ve been seeing bucks in - several of which Matty would have loved to try for. Unfortunately, it was empty, so we went in search of a moose for Scott. On the drive, i saw a bachelor group of bucks about 350 yards off the road, luckily, on land we have access to hunt. I stopped the truck and put the spotter on the window. Immediately, i saw a huge drop tine - that really got my attention! I zoomed in on the group as they walked away, and saw a bunch of junk on one side, and small typical frame on the other. Great mass at the bases of both sides told me this was a mature deer. I planned the scope across the rest of the group, and found another shooter buck - Looked like a 175ish typical with an extra G4 on one side.
I’ve had some great luck with mule deer in the past few years. Last year i took a beautiful buck in velvet that grossed 196 typical, the year before that a nice double drop tine buck. This year, i didn’t really have any interest in hunting a mule deer for myself, unless i found something with so much character i couldn’t resist - well, this buck certainly qualified!
We watched them as long as we could, but they fed over a rise and we didn’t see them bed down. After giving them a bit of time to find a good spot to spend the day, we parked the truck, packed our bows and packs and headed out on foot. The last place we saw them was about 1/2 a mile from the truck, so we hustled across the prairie, and fortunately, found them at a distance of about 500 yards, bedded in the shade of a small patch of trees. Incredibly, they were bedded on the upwind side of the trees, making a sneak into range much, much easier. We used the trees as visual cover and closed the distance. Ditched our boots at the edge of the trees, and crawled along the downwind edge of the trees until all that separated us was one small bush (about the size of an atv) and 30 yards of low grass.
Matty and i sat down to wait for the first shooter to stand, but the wait wasn’t long. The typical buck stood, and Matty readied his bow. Before the stalk began, we talked about what would happen if we got in position for a shot. My priority was getting him a deer first - so we decided that he’d take a shot at either of the bigger ones that presented a shot. He had practiced all summer, increasing his accuracy and draw weight to a point where we were both comfortable with his ability to kill a deer cleanly within 35-40 yards or so. He was ready.
The beautiful typical buck stood, but was facing straight away, only offering Matty a butt shot. I whispered for him to wait, but before the buck turned to give a broadside shot, the character non-typical also stood up - only 2 yards farther away! Again - i whispered to Matty that we had a chance at a double: as soon as the typical turns broadside, shoot him. If the non-typical buck offered me a shot, i would take it at the same time.
Anyone who spot and stalks these animals regularly knows that sometimes you do everything right - and the hunt falls apart at the wrong time. But that also, sometimes the stars align PERFECTLY and its like its meant to be. This was just such a time.
We both sat there. Bows raised (not drawn), and ready. Though it seemed like a long time, it was probably only seconds when the typical buck turned and offered matty a perfect shot “I’m going to take it, dad” he whispered
“Count to three and squeeze slowly.”
He counted, squeezed the trigger on the release and i let go a shot a split second later.
Matty hit his buck perfectly. The deer went 40 yards and piled up. Unfortunately for me, my shot wasn’t ideal - i hit the non typical a little far back. I still cut through the liver, but i don’t know if i was more focused on watching Matty’s shot or what. Either way, he went about 100 yards before bedding down. We did a slow walk to him and i gave him another finishing shot at 50 yards.
We had them! Two beauty bucks from the same bachelor group down on the same stalk! I’ve never experienced that before. In all my years hunting and guiding, I’ve never managed it. To have that memory with my younger son makes it that much better!
The landowner had granted us foot access to hunt, but also allowed us to drive on the pasture if we harvested an animal. We took some pictures, loaded the deer and headed home.
Mattys buck had a much larger body, and they BOTH had tons of fat. Super healthy, both of them, but i think my deer was older and starting to go downhill. He has incredible mass, particularly at the bases, and a big Roman nose. After chores were done that night, we green scored them - Mattys grossed 180-3/8 and mine grossed 179-3/8. Only 1” of difference between them, which was shocking to me. I didn’t think the non-typical would score that high, but the little extras add up

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