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Old 10-19-2019, 10:13 PM
JD848 JD848 is offline
Join Date: Dec 2011
Posts: 2,875

Getting close to a moose that wants to come in is no big task, even if he is bit stubborn you can rattle, call, beat the brush with just a good dry stick.

To dress up like one in rifle season when guys are looking to kill one is very risky,if your on some fly in trip and you know your alone it would be funny, but still risky.

Big bulls sometimes make a racket coming in, but sometimes there right on top of you before you know it so ditching the costume maybe hard to do if he spots you first and being flung around in your moose suit by a 60 inch rack is not going to be the thrill you were counting on.Just keep the number for an airlift handy and I don't mean for the moose.

It's just meat so don't over think it.
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