Thread: Wolves
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Old 09-30-2021, 07:41 PM
-JR- -JR- is offline
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Originally Posted by ForestCop View Post
Along the Eastern Slopes from Hinton to Grande Prairie the GOA has been shooting wolves for over 10 years with some years being well over 100 wolves shot they think the tally stands around 1500 total; in addition to this the have had an active poisioning program for almost the same many years but apparently not this 2020-2021 year. If you want to be further disgusted about the poisioning program talk to locals from the communities and native settlements and you will find out there are many stories (to many to count) that the poisioning program starts with shooting a moose or elk and leaving it laced with strychnine; the locals have walked around these areas and find many other animals dead such as eagles, ravens owls, fox, coyote and bears. When presented with the evidence they are usually written off by the GOA expert biologists with a vague statement that they are aware that at times there are unfortunately incidental deaths to other wildlife. It's kind of curious to locals as well that when you figure out there have been maybe 1500 killed by helicopter (locals call them air wolf) plus poisioning where have all these animals come from as the packs have no ability for growth it is at least very curious.
Just start googling items like dead wolves Grande Cache or Alberta wolf cull.
Explains why we never seen any crows or ravens last year ! Not even one wolf track . Good job guys !
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