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Old 06-05-2020, 12:34 PM
pixe1334 pixe1334 is offline
Join Date: Jun 2020
Posts: 23
Default General Areas for 8wt setup - 2hr radius from Edmonton?

Hi everyone,

I'm getting an 8wt setup this upcoming week (hopefully monday or tuesday) and originally I was going to shore fish the NSR where it meets with Sturgeon river or around Drayton Valley but I've noticed a couple of posts on this forum saying the river is too high and currents too high.

I'm not particularly experienced with river fishing but I'm thinking about checking the places where Sturgeon River meets NSR first and see how it looks.

If that doesn't work I was wondering if there's any other general places where I could shore, wade, or float tube fly fish.

Fish wise, on NSR I was going for pike, walleyes, goldeyes, suckers but I'm open to any fish that would fight on an 8wt (excluding trout, I have a 6wt for that).

I also saw some posts regarding Wabamun, I've never been there before but based on looking at google maps I found these:

-!3m1!1e3 - I don't know if I can get to that canal, looks like it might be surrounded by water or private property.

-!3m1!1e3 - I have no idea what this is, maybe some kind of plant? Might be fenced in also

Also, unrelated but if there any place around Edmonton (up to about 2hr) where I could float tube fish for whitefish? I know Battle Lake has whitefish and it's the most narrow, protected by hills lake that I know but not sure if it's really safe for float tubes.

I hope everyone has a nice weekend!
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