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Old 03-26-2015, 06:29 AM
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Lefty-Canuck Lefty-Canuck is offline
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Originally Posted by HunterDave View Post
I think that you got sidetracked by the rhetoric about regulating and doing what is in the best interests of hunters.....

The ABA proposal is:

"Make use of spears and atlatls illegal for hunting big game in AB."

I don't see anywhere in there that states that the ABA would merely like to define what they are, you know, in best interests of all hunters .....they want them BANNED.....period!
The proposal WAS

I think many got sidetracked by their hate and emotion.

You realize that proposal was 2-3 years ago, (made in 2012 for 2013 it's now 2015) and that the focus changed. That proposal is no longer valid and was not adopted that year. The way I inderstand is proposals are made, and referred, if not adopted they are not adopted and they are pushed to the side. Proposals are not indefinitely valid.

To the best of my knowledge the proposal is no longer valid, your side won Dave the fight is over!

You have to look past the email and proposal and start your healing process

Like BRL said the focus has changed.

Some of you are so stuck on what was said 3 years ago to realize we are past that point....I don't see the need to hold every member of an organization responsible for the questionable actions of a few....but if that's how some of you roll feel free.

Heck if people would get involved in real life and not on a forum there could be some real good changes occur


Last edited by Lefty-Canuck; 03-26-2015 at 06:55 AM.