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Old 12-08-2010, 09:11 AM
turbo mulcher turbo mulcher is offline
Join Date: May 2007
Location: cow town alberta
Posts: 751

If a dog is caught in a snare you may have only seconds. The locking device used will pervent it from backing off. The only suggestion I have besides a leash would by a extra wide coller and maybe a bell for locating them.
I post my line but the areas are vast . If your pet is caught in a leghold trap (steel foot hold) they will not damage the foot. The new legal traps have a rubber jaw or a gap to allow blood flow.
A note on the " Ram Power Snares" they are instant. A wide belt around their neck might protect them. Map Town has all the RFMA's on maps.
A heads up ,there might be some illegal poachers that are trapping using snares and non certified traps . Beware. If you would like any information feel free to PM me.