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Old 03-15-2019, 07:01 PM
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Redfrog Redfrog is offline
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Originally Posted by Dean2 View Post
Sorry, but I disagree. I have made a great many deals where both of us felt like we were getting a fair deal. Sometimes I was the buyer, sometimes I was the seller but in all cases we were both happy with the end result. If I ever felt I was getting done over, or that someone was even trying, I walked.

While it is true that someone selling stuff commercially needs to make money, the issue arises when they try to make excess money on the basis of the other parties lack of familiarity or in depth knowledge. You used to be able to rely on the expertise of others, that is after all why you go to them and don't do it on your own. Square and fair dealing is becoming more rare, screwing someone over at every opportunity and finding the sneakiest ways of putting deals together is becoming the norm. I still want to deal with people who's word and handshake means everything to them, like it does to me.

I think we agree more than disagree. I do the same as you. if someone tries to screw me I walk off. a fair deal is where both people think they got what they wanted, and you're right harder to find these days.
It just seems to me to be more folks complaining about the other guy making 'excess' profit. Who decides what excess is? A guy can always walk.
I'm not lying!!! You are just experiencing it differently.

It isn't a question of who will allow me, but who will stop me.. Ayn Rand
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