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Old 09-18-2018, 08:49 AM
mattthegorby mattthegorby is offline
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Posts: 735

Originally Posted by brendan's dad View Post
Unfortunately new laws and regulations are created due a change society and the actions or inaction associated to. Some new laws include theft of telecommunication, home invasion, terrorism, and so on. These are new "crimes" and were created because of change in criminal behavior.

In a not too distance past if a dog showed any aggression towards a person and specifically a child, the owner would deal with situation and put the dog down. Human life was much more valued than a dogs life. But there has been a change in that line of thinking in society in general. It has gone so far the other way that if you were seen in the rural area taking the dog to the back field and shooting it, there would be police called and a cry for justice for the dog.

I compare this breed to a mentally ill person. 95% time they are no danger to anyone else. But the first training you receive in dealing with mental health patience is that they are unpredictable and can be prone to violence without reason, rational, or history.

I think that pitbulls and such, have established enough of a documented history that because of the inaction of some owners, unfortunately all owners of this breed should be subject to regulations and mandatory training.
I would respectfully suggest you do some research onto the spectrum of mental illness before comparing people with mental illness to pitbulls or any animal for that matter.
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