Thread: Pale Beaver
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Old 12-29-2017, 11:27 PM
Marty S Marty S is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2011
Posts: 2,477
Default Pale Beaver

I got a phone call here a few weeks ago, some USA feller that likes to build things from fur phoned me up looking for pale beaver. He wants pale beaver and he wants lots of them, lots as in really lots, like stupid lots, yes.

So he wants me to buy him beaver, major amounts of pale, X-pale beaver, and th n on top of wanting lots of pales, he also wants high quality. So obviously winter prime, I doubt falls, but you never know. And then of course the beautiful short window stunning spring X-heavy beaver.

The guy was def not born yesterday, has been everywhere buying his beaver, but in modern times he is having extreme difficulty in purchasing properly sectioned goods, meaning when he buys pales, he gets them from everywhere. He is very interested in buying Alberta Saskatchewan Montana pale westerns, but does not want to buy Arkansas beaver nor beavers from other such horrible places. You cannot simply buy goods in a sale, and handpick and dump the unwanted, you have to buy them all, pay commission on thm all, take delivery on th m all thus shipping costs on unwanted, then pay packing/handling on them all, gets freakishly expensive in a hurry.

He really wants good pale beaver, makes beautiful stuff, high end stuff, is the real thing, however if he cannot buy what he n eds without buying 1/4 of th continents beaver, he is going to drop beaver from his line.


I told him maybe I could round up a bunch of beaver folks and send them all his way, but he kinda wants to deal with some sort of a collector, that (his words) "...has a littl skin in the game..."

Side question: how far north do the pale beaver exist in numbers? Certainly Milk/Bow/Oldman/Red Deer Rivers. How about the Battle? North Saskatchewan? Athabasca?

I guess I could have just text d some buddies and asked, but in th nspirit of the big grey ones post, I hereby petition thee!
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