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Old 04-10-2016, 02:55 AM
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Kingfisher Kingfisher is offline
Join Date: Jun 2008
Location: Calgary
Posts: 1,742

Yes, the only good thing for the charter outfits is the Americans will be flooding to Vancouver Island and the Charlotte's this summer. Why not when their dollar buys them 25% more than ours? We would too.

I agree with Surhuntsalot. The $1000 a day really isn't bad when you start adding up all the costs if you were to haul your own boat out there. Cost of the boat, fuel, insurance, ferry ride X 2, campsite, moorage, rods, reels, downriggers, downrigger balls, harpoon, gaff, line, lures, bait, and the list goes on and on. All of a sudden the $1000 a day seems pretty reasonable. My wife and I are heading out to Port Hardy this summer and I have already spent $1500+ on ocean gear, and I haven't even moved my boat yet this year. I'm not done. I'm sure I will be up to $2500 by the time we leave.

Tofinoguy, keep the reports coming. The real fishermen want to hear real reports of fish hitting the deck.
Fishing isn't always about catching fish.
Sometimes you just have to take a deep breath, look around, and admire what mother nature gave us.
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