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Old 09-21-2017, 11:47 AM
conservativeken conservativeken is offline
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Posts: 47

Originally Posted by The Elkster View Post
Clearly NK is not going to be dissuaded from this direction and they have made great advances and continue. Now we have a power that is not only able to produce weapons of mass destruction but also have a hate on for the western world and are able to potentially sell WMD's to the likes of terrorist organizations like ISIS etc.
I just don't believe that Kim Jong-un is the boogieman he's portrayed as. His actions don't support it (North Korea is not invading any other nations) and neither do his words (he's pledged not to use Nuclear weapons offensively and stated many times that he only wants them for defense and so that they can't be blackmailed by stronger nations any longer).

I think the U.S. has a very different agenda for why they don't like Assad or Kim Jong-un and it's all about the global power balance.

The government lies to us telling us the reason they want to invade and topple these foreign leaders is that they are "evil dictators" to get us to support the war. They don't tell us the true reason why they want to go to war.

Some people will continue to claim that North Korea harms its own citizens, but I'm very skeptical about that. We have no unbiased source of that information. Even if they do harm their own citizens, the U.S. has allied with plenty of dictators before so it's not a suitable explanation for why we have to attack them.
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