Thread: Pickled Eggs?
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Old 04-26-2018, 11:01 AM
AtimoseMan AtimoseMan is offline
Join Date: Dec 2013
Posts: 88

The best pickled eggs are farm eggs that the chickens run loose. The yoke have such a natural taste. Note fresh eggs should be put aside in the fridge for at least 14 days, the reason for this is the egg shell will peal nice. The boiled brine's are the best but when I fill my jars I put a layer of eggs, raw onion rings,layer of eggs, raw onion rings until the jar is full. Strain your brine if you leave your mixed spice loose in your mixture. Dont get to fancy with your brine just be simple. One note is your eggs could turn brown due to the spice. Put your jar in the back of the fridge so your friends dont see them.
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