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Old 11-09-2011, 03:57 PM
Scar270 Scar270 is offline
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Originally Posted by Classic_Cool View Post
I guess it's really all about seeing the balance. The lawmakers and the soccer moms may only perceive people running around with guns and possibly committing crimes with them. On the other hand alot of crimes may be prevented by civilians being able to carry guns in public.

Depends on ideals vs reality I suppose. If no one had guns (yeah right) then there would be no crimes committed with them. That's what the lawmakers are going for, they're just not capable of enforcing it. In reality the criminals will have guns regardless or atleast a knife and their victims aren't currently allowed to carry guns and may not be able to handle a knife.

While it may be true that if there were no guns, there would be no crime committed with them, but it's not true that there would be no crime, and that seems to be the equation the anti gunners are really trying to push. However a brief look at the history of civilization will show you that we live in a much more peaceful society since guns have come to being common place, then we lived in before. Before firearms the strongest got their way, women were considered chattel because they basically had to give themselves fully to a man who could protect them, or they were available for whatever man wondered by and was strong enough to enforce his will.

All these people who think getting rid of firearms would make our society crime free, should try living in a society without firearms for a little while.
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