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Old 11-09-2011, 03:18 PM
Scar270 Scar270 is offline
Join Date: Mar 2009
Posts: 468

Originally Posted by Classic_Cool View Post
I'll admit that I don't know what the stats are on either of those things; there's just a perception that men get drunk and violent more often than women do and if they have access to a gun they may use it.

Actually being drunk doesn't even have to factor into it, maybe some guy who just got fired from his job gets t-boned by another guy at an intersection and snaps.

And again these are scenarios that might happen which I guess is the same justification the law makers are probably using. Perhaps on average carrying a gun in public does no harm at all.
Funny, those are exactly the arguments so many afraid of CCW in the states used, yet as more and more states go to shall issue laws, these fears don't play out.

In Texas CCW holders have a lower rate of criminal activity then the police, I suspect that holds true for a lot of places. The blood in the street didn't happen.

CCW is actually a great thing if guys get drunk and violent, it means there girlfriend might actually have an option of stopping the guy. Generally speaking in a physical altercation, most women will not fair well against a man, who is generally larger and stronger. A handgun on her person changes that balance drastically. The very things you are afraid of are the things I want CCW to counteract.
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