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Old 10-11-2017, 12:15 PM
Jack Hardin Jack Hardin is offline
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Originally Posted by raab View Post
Ive been thinking of the problem concerning rural crime and think Ive come up with an answer to it. That being volunteer Police teams similar to a volunteer Fire Department.

Basically what they would be is a group of volunteers who are funded by the municipal government. These volunteers would do training in apprehension and work along side the RCMP. They would NOT be used in regular police work like ticketing, domestic disputes, etc.... But would be called in for apprehension of criminals and Search and Rescue.

One of the biggest problems in Rural Alberta is that the RCMP dont have enough support, so if they want to go arrest someone they need to call in a member who is off duty or do it during the day. If we can give them a team of lets say 4-6 guys, fully trained on how to apprehend a suspect then I think apprehending criminals would be a hell of a lot easier for them as well as safer. I feel it would be worth pursuing as an option, depending on support from the general population.

Obviously these guys would all need to pass a background check, be proficient with their firearms, be willing to take the training and swear an oath. Basically they'd be becoming Deputies for the municipality in which they live.
A good thought but, it wouldn't work for the same reason that they pulled Auxiliary Constables from going on patrol with regular members (liability). Also, who wants to go into a dangerous situation for free? I can't see the RCMP arming civilians to assist them on routine matters.
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