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Old 06-22-2017, 10:11 AM
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Originally Posted by Kurt505 View Post
If nobody is talking about it, HOW THE HELL AM I SUPPOSED TO LISTEN TO THEM!!!!

You don't get it. The point I'm trying to make is TO TALK ABOUT IT AND NOT HOLD IT INSIDE!!!

Maybe you can take a bit of your own advise.
You have added many guilt factors, WHO will open up to that.
Who will want to talk about this when told to MAN UP, YOU ARE BEING SELFISH TO YOUR FAMILY when the weight of the world is already on their shoulders.
There is a stigma to opening up due to statements like yours. You tell them you are there for them and listen to understand, not to hear.
I have been dealing with loved ones that suffer from depression and under the constant possibility of suicide for 25 years and I have learned a ton.
Someone said in a previous post no one can understand what they think and feel. That is not true if you listen and it will break your damn heart.
STOP JUDGING, that is what you are doing and eventually people that suffer from this illness will feel safe to talk about it.
A family member told her mother about her thoughts of suicide. Mother brushed it aside and told her freinds to watch out for her. 15 year olds dont know how to deal with this. She was avoided and things got akward real quick. She had to apologize to her freinds and tell them things were OK and bury her feelings before it got bearable again. It stayed burried for a long time but it boiled over real quick when the hardships of adult life hit.


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