Thread: New fly rod
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Old 07-06-2019, 08:28 PM
aiceeslater aiceeslater is offline
Join Date: Aug 2018
Posts: 52

I own a 9’ 6wt TFO Pro II and it’s great. From what I can compare it to, there isn’t a better “bang for your buck” rod out there. I bushwhack a ton, it stays in the work truck (in a case) and gets banged around, I’ve walked into trees with it, folded it over hitting the bank while it was in a rod holder in a boat going down a fast river.

In general, I’m hard on gear and this has stood the test. And if it ever does break I believe there’s a $30 no questions asked repair deal they offer. This rod also gets used for everything. Dries to big articulated and weighted streamers. One day I’ll buy a $700-$1000 rod but will have a tough time setting aside the one that did it all and stood up through the abuse.
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