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Old 03-03-2012, 05:05 PM
greylynx greylynx is offline
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Rotenone is highly toxic to fish: most values for the 96 hour LC50 (lethal concentration required to kill half the test organisms) for different fish species and for daphnids (water fleas) lie in the range of 0.02 to 0.2 mg/litre. If used as a piscicide, it may also cause a temporary decrease in numbers of other aquatic organisms.
There is considerable controversy over the use of rotenone to kill non-game fish in water body management areas. One study found that the practice has a substantially harmful effect on biodiversity, in which several populations of the native fish showed negligible signs of recovering stocks, while populations of all exotic species are up."

Excellent reply.

If there is a fish that will survive rotenone, I will bet it would be carp.

Rotenone also kills invertebrates, and that is also part of the bigger picture.
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